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   original architects






"Original architects" is the detournement Hall of Fame, and in it we honor our predecessors who identified trends in pop culture and who early on recognized the signs of corporate contamination infecting those trends, usually in the form of television programming, advertising and journalism laced with propaganda. Who better to launch this section than  Frank Zappa - pioneer of first post war-rock and roll subversion countering the counter culture with the Mothers of Invention pre magnum opus "We're Only In It For The Money" released in early 1968 with a full frontal satirical assault on the most sacred icon Zappa could think of - the current object of uncritical devotion at the time: The Beatles and Sgt. Pepper.

Opening for NBC series "The Monkees" 1967

"We're Only In It For The Money" Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention - 1968





Zappa excoriated and lambasted the phony, vacant counterculture myth - beginning with this album. The musical dividend derived to the listener, was experiencing the fusion of jazz, bop, experimental rock, spoken word  and elaborate orchestral arrangements punctuated with virtuoso electric guitar solos No one could touch Zappa's command of the wah-wah pedal at the time except Jimi Hendrix. If you were remotely aware of what was going on around you during the revolutionary years 1968-1970, once you were turned on to Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention you were hooked for life.








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